What we are about

4 The Future Foundation is where sports meets culture. Sharing the roots and values of the Creator’s Game with diverse communities, promoting health and wellness, supporting education, embracing our Native American history and traditions, giving back to the community, and honoring the natural world.


‘Lacrosse is more than a game’. Historically, Lacrosse was given by the Creator to the Haudenosaunee people as a Medicine Game. This sacred, ceremonial game, was called by Haudenosaunee lacrosse players when there was a request to heal the sick, resolve conflict, to make peace among the nations and to have fun!

Today, the Haudenosaunee/Iroquois lacrosse athletes are Ambassadors for their game. To be a lacrosse player is one of the nations’ highest honors. Today’s competitive lacrosse carries the original values embedded in the game to share with the world. These values are the underlying principles of the Nation’s Mandate:

Friendship, Equity and Peace.


The Haudenosaunee carry on with their instructions to share their traditional knowledge with all nations. As indigenous people, ours is a society that is wedded to the natural world with our ideals and technologies emerging from our homelands. We developed economic, spiritual, and political systems that preserved the rights of other species while providing for the needs of the people. One of the methods invented by our ancestors long before contact was a league of nations to address issues of common concern and to remove warfare as a means of resolving disputes. Lacrosse is one such instance of reducing tensions among nations. Our United Nations is the world's oldest union of democratic countries and has inspired many to conclude that no other human society lived in a higher degree of individual liberty or ecological cleanliness. Throughout the colonial era and beyond the Haudenosaunee have inspired and influenced political philosophers and advocates for ecological balance. Our teachings provide a way for planetary survival in a time of climatic crisis.


Our Mother Earth Cares for Us All. Our earth mother gives us all we need to secure life, attain peace, and be truly happy. Yet her patience with the abuses of the past generations is not infinite; she will act to cleanse herself and restore balance. She asks only that we care for her and the other life forms which dwell upon the world. Among our instructions as given to us by Skennenrahowi (the Peacemaker), Aiionwatha, Tiskonsasay and Tadodaho are to abide by nature's laws among which are these: take only what we need, use all we take, give thanks for all we take, and leave this earth better than when we were here. These teachings remain within the hearts and minds and actions of all traditional Haudenosaunee to the current day.


The People of the Longhouse have communal values deeply rooted in our collective culture. Among these are respect for all living things, government as an extension of the popular will, gender equality, care for the elders, and adherence to natural law, compassion for those yet unborn, and the concept that every human being is a gift from the Creator with attendant rights to live in freedom. These core principles are expressed through rituals of thanksgiving, lunar ceremonies, music, dance, democratically based governance, and the equitable dissemination of natural resources free from artificial caste or economic class.